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Getting to know and understand Gen-Z

If you’re reading this you are most likely part of what is commonly known as Gen-Z. Gen-Z is the generation that comes after millennials, born between the years  1997 and 2012, meaning people between the ages of 10 and 25. Many of us have said that we are part of Generation Z, yet what does this exactly mean? What identifies and differentiates this generation from the latter? What are some of the notions people have about Gen-Z?


Our generation is known for being highly pragmatic (which means focused and practical when reaching a goal), self-reliant, diverse, accepting, realistic, and caring. We are known to be the most open-minded generation yet, supporting social movements such as black lives matter, feminism, and reproductive rights, among others. Gen-Z grew up in a world where religion, race, gender, and sexual orientation are no longer defining characteristics, thus for us


people are exactly that, people, which makes us very accepting of diversity and change. We are very financially focused, which means that we understand that working, most of the time is due to financial reasons, we can’t survive in this reality without money, and that is why many of us choose to study something that will earn us a lot of financial income. Lastly our generation likes to be heard, to speak up about the things the older generations won’t, we like change. We grew up, and currently live, in a world where the only thing we know is violence, so we want to change the world for the better and we are realistic about it, this explains why we are very politically interested and stubborn.

Millennials vs Gen-Z, is a long and harsh debate nowadays, mainly because the two generations are very different, thus not being able to understand each other. Unlike Millennials, Gen-Z is more tech savvy because technology has always been there, also we feel the great economic recession, and we are more globally connected at a younger age. Millennials always considered college a must, but nowadays Gen- z is aware that college is a “maybe” with a great student debt internationally, which is why many choose not to go to college and end up being judged by that. Finally, we love social justice, we desire it for everyone and we are willing to do everything we possibly can to reach that goal.

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Now, most likely you have probably heard the classic “you guys are always on your phones” or the “ you don't care about family” from your parents or other adults, and when that happens you feel misunderstood or judged. But don’t worry, this is normal, because people have different notions about gen-z. They criticize us for being “too coddled” and “unwilling to grow up” but all that judgment comes from not understanding the world we grew up in, the reality is in constant change, and we didn't grow up as our parents did. We are also considered lazy because all of our money comes from our parents, some say “Get a job” or “as soon as you turn 18 you should start working.” The truth is work for us doesn’t necessarily mean a physical job, it could be creating an online brand or helping a social cause, which makes us very entrepreneurial.

 Many experts say Gen-Z is the future, the opportunity to change the world, and a lot of people are reluctant to believe that just because they have a certain view of us. Reality is, whether they like it or not, we are the future, and the key to unlocking everything is getting to know and understand us and the reality we grew up in, and this all starts by getting to know our own generation so that we can let the former ones get to know us. 

Sophia Alzate  10B
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