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Why are we scared to grow up?

I believe I have asked myself this question every single day since I turned 14 along with these others, why do I have to grow up? Why do I have to leave everything behind? What am I going to do if I fail? Even though I think about this often, I know for a fact that it will happen, in fact, it is happening right now.  


One of the main reasons I feel this way is that I’m afraid of losing the people that I love. I’m terrified of the future because I don't know what will happen to me or them. Will we still be together? Will they forget about me? There are so many questions I’m not able to answer and that makes me anxious in a way I’m not able to explain. 


Another reason is that I look back to when I was younger and I remember all the fun times I had with my family, my friends, and even by myself. I miss feeling that happy sometimes and I believe I will never experience something similar ever again. Life is just easier when you are a kid, you don't have to worry about delivering your essays, doing a big project that will be half of your grade, or getting into college; you just worry about getting hurt or about what you will be having for lunch that day. 


Last but not least, failing in life is another huge worry I have every day. My parents always have insisted that I have to win a scholarship and leave the country to be successful in life, but what if I don't make it? What if I’m not good enough to be accepted into an international college? Would they be equally as proud? I don't want to let my parents down, I want them to be proud when they say my name or when people ask about me, but I hope I dont fail them in the future.  


I have learned throughout these years that growing up is something that is inevitable, it will happen, and it is something that you do not have control over, but it’s okay to feel this way. Being scared and anxious about something, especially the future, is not something bad. Plus you can always get help if you need it because, even though you think you might be alone, you will always have someone by your side. Just remember that it is okay to be scared of growing up. 

Mariana Guerrero  10B
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