Amused to death
Creative writing
ALIEN: “ Okay crew, on this very day we will visit subject #83. Planet Earth was recently inhabited by all sorts of species, yet ‘humankind’ had more complex reasoning and language, this helped them realize they were ‘superior’.”
Alien crew: “...”
ALIEN: “ I know, I know, this is just context procedure. Anyways, this land was mainly under the domain of the beings we will be studying today. At least, that was, until they lead themselves to death and extinction.”
[Alien crew laughs.]
[changing channels]
ALIEN: “ Everyone, gather around. It is time for us to share our findings with the crew and elaborate on our daily report.
Alien 1: “ Sir, I find this race quite confusing. I wasn’t able to find traces of land destruction whatsoever. It seems like they disappeared into thin air without leaving any impact nor trace of their last few decades alive.”
ALIEN: “ That was the first thing I expected to hear. Still, we are anthropologists and we know that species won’t always die from a nuclear bomb, a fire, or a meteor shower, we have to look further.”
Alien 2: “ Well, the only thing I can conclude is that the human species stopped acting as a group a very long time before they were extinguished. Sure they were all connected through technology, but no one truly paid attention to the outside world. They were all hypnotized by the instant pleasures a TV could offer.”
Alien 3:” Exactly! And it also seems like they went through this mindless stage ever since they were born. They grew up wanting to be entertained, so they weren’t able to shape personal criteria, or realize they were being manipulated by every single media.”
Alien 4:” On top of that, they were able to blur out the entire religious, social, and cultural limits. Everyone was exposed to every belief at a rate that they weren’t able to stop and think about which to accept. They were placing their efforts and earnings as a species on the very same things that made them less human. ”
Alien 5: “ But sir, was that all there was to their lives?”
ALIEN: “ Indeed. Concluding report: they were all part of one last show.”
“ They amused themselves to death.”