It’s the year 5022, and to be honest, it has been one of the most particular years, yet it did not stop being intriguing and full of adventures. My dearest crewmates, this is your commandant speaking; the moment we were all waiting for has finally come. I don’t even know where to start, this whole mission is driving me insane, and I still don’t have an exact explanation for this case, but I want to share some useful information you might want to hear, so stay tuned ‘till the end. For those of you who are living under a rock, I was sent on a mission to planet Earth by the AIAA (Aliens International Association Of Anthropology) and after ages of research in this unknown -but I must say impressive land-, I came up with a lot mind-blowing yet frightening theories related to the reason of the human race’s demise.
As we know, planet Earth, and especially its peculiar civilization, has been the center of interest for quite a long time. Humans themselves are a whole mystery and the story they have left behind is full of the darkest secrets, which are a source of countless doubts and questions that has always triggered great curiosity in our species. Besides, it is believed that they were the most intelligent species long before our arrival to the galaxy and that Earth, unlike the other planets in the solar system, had greater biodiversity, natural resources, and favorable conditions for life to exist. Based on this, I established my first theory: global warming, the lack of water to sustain life, and the irreparable harm caused to nature and the environment, are some of the most significant causes that slowly led Earth to its extinction.
However, the footage and the pieces of evidence I found illustrate that humans were the ones who made these catastrophes happen through their actions, which leads me to the next point. Humans, although brilliant and capable, were by nature dissatisfied and wild beings; their constant ambition in search of more power and superiority ended up generating violence, hatred, resentment, and chaos. Eventually, these behaviors gave rise to several bloody wars throughout time and therefore plunged them into endless destruction.
Oh, humans! uncomprehended species and owners of darkness. They had everything but nothing, all endeavors thrown, it was never enough for them, and always wanted more. They achieved memorable things but in the end, sank into an unremitting pit of ​​greed, bitterness, and arrogance. Intellectual but stubborn, blind, and deaf individuals to the reality in front of their eyes. They had no shame at all and murdered each other rather than moving on as a society. It’s mystifying to see how the media and TV, or whatever it was, made the human race lose their values, culture, and all sense of truth; sucking the meaning out of life, shattering their minds, and damning their souls to emptiness. Humanity has embraced war, destruction, entertainment, and desire as ways of life, doing nothing but amusing itself to death.