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Dakota, the love of my life

I didn't know love back then, I simply existed, I didn't feel complete. Days passed, and I realized the only thing I did was lose myself into endlessness. 


Now I can talk about that since today everything is different, the world seems beautiful to me, and my life has taken a huge turn. It seems like an exaggeration that for such a "simple occurrence" so many things have changed within me, the worst thing is that this being does not even speak. 


If it isn’t already obvious, I'm going to clarify what I mean; the being I'm referring to is my dog. For me, she is more than a pet, she is practically an extension of me.


Dakota, my dog we had been planning to get for a long time before she even arrived at the house. To be honest, we never specified anything regarding her breed. The idea of having a pet was always in our mind, and we talked about it until one day. Surprisingly, they brought the smallest and most beautiful thing that I have seen for as long as I can recall. I remember waking up and getting ready for my virtual class, suddenly the door opened, and I saw a small white fluffy ball. 


Since I saw her I fell in love with her, she has been my partner during the pandemic, in my classes and jobs, and even in my good and bad moments, she is always by my side. When she was little she needed much more care and attention, we had to feed her 3 times a day, teach her how to relieve necessities outside, and so on.

Over time, she learned how to do all this, and now she is a very astute dog. Although it is very inactive, everyone loves Dakota. Every time someone enters the house they greet the dog first then one of the three of us has to take it out twice a day. It is a big commitment, but I still like it since it helps me relax when I play with her in the park. She has tons of energy in the park at the same time; running, jumping, and bothering the other dogs, when she lies down on the grass it is a clear sign that she is already tired, and you can finally go to the house.

       The only bad thing about my dog is that she doesn't like anything to eat. We used to give her meat when she was younger, she got used to eating it so quickly that she no longer wants to eat anymore.

Valentine's Day is coming (February 14), and I think that in addition to giving all the attention to couples, we are also giving a little love to our pets, they are the ones that are always there, plus they are very good companions. 

Sofia Correa 10A
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