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  1. The Day Everyone Avoids
    (Day poem)


The day everyone hates 

And no one wants to recreate 

Is when the sun brighter shines


The morning everyone avoids 

And no one is overjoyed

Is when I know all is fine 


The noon everyone dreads 

And no one is aware 

Is when the moon looks divine


“It´s Monday” A voice says 

And the people run away 

Because they know all is lame 


But, for some, it is not the same

For some, it´s just another working day

Some might even say hooray 


2. Why not me?

(Sentiment poem)


My heart stopped 

This is a joke, this is a joke

I naively kept telling to myself

No one had told me anything

But I simply knew it 


If only I had told her 

how much I loved her

If only I had prayed for her

when she asked me to do so

How could I have been so stupid?

What was I thinking?


Guilt was all I could feel at the time

Of course, that is what I know to do best

Do something foolish and then regret it for the rest of my days

Will I ever learn?


I could hear her sobs

After all, her sister was now gone

And there I was

Not knowing if I should either laugh or cry


Two years have gone by now

I still ask myself how

At night I scream at the top of my lungs

So everyone can listen to me far and wide

Maria José Muñoz 11
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