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What a wonderful planet

It’s been 3 weeks since I arrived here and I’m questioning why I hadn't come before!! Well, knowing that there are many corpses in the streets, I think that there was a species living here, but I guess I’ll never know. Maybe I should take these bodies back to my hometown, oh, I forgot to mention where I am from. I am from Tatooine, a weird planet, and my species is Jawa, but my name is Zou. Strangely enough, I found that they have movies about my species, which is funny, but in an abnormal way.


Going back, I decided to make my quest to find what species inhabited this planet and what suddenly killed all of them. First, I am going to take two corpses to my spaceship and do some of the analysis that this one offers. The first corpse turned out to have a high level of something my machine calls “radiation”, well, this should be the reason they are all dead. I’m not satisfied with this answer. I need to see the other corpse and to see what happened to this one. Doing the test again, I got the same results; the same “radiation” word that I don’t even know.


The next morning, I was feeling down because there wasn’t any information about the word “radiation” on my spaceship, so I took the job to go around the city in which I am staying. I think it’s called “New York” but I’m not sure. I’m going around this city; the laughable thing is that it’s full of bodies, but the buildings somehow manage to stay untouched. Well, now I see a building of something called “The Times”. Let's get inside and see what I can learn from this unknown species. After reading like 200 articles I found five important things; the first is that the unknown species is called humans or human being; the second is that the word “radiation” is a type of energy that comes from atoms; the third thing is that there was a nuclear war, so that is reason why they all died; the fourth thing is that there is an amazing band called Red Hot Chili Peppers that has amazing music and the fifth thing is that there was a lot of political tension between two presidents.


Lastly, after doing the research on this new planet, I understood that there are many stories and that every planet is worth researching and learning about it. I’m leaving this planet with happiness and excitement to return to Tatooine and tell all the Jawas I know about this discovery I made.

Maria Paula Tamayo  10
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