“Failure, Failure, Failure,” said Evie to herself as she walked slowly from her class to her dorm. She was frustrated, not only with herself but with life. She thought of her mother, Vanessa with her bright smile, and brown eyes that made you want to tell the truth. Evie grabbed the green jadestone hanging from her neck, it brought her comfort as it reminded her of her mother. It was a gift for her, something about it was special. Vanessa had written in her will: “As you read this I am no longer here to protect you, and this jadestone will suffice while I come back to get you.” Eerie. Evie arrived at her dorm, slowly opened the door, and mentally prepared for a long evening of studying. She had failed her test, although she had studied all night. Suddenly, she gasped. On the floor was a jadestone, identical to hers, but with a strange light emanating from it. Out of curiosity, she got closer, feeling as if she was flying. As her feet left the floor, an image of her mother came to her mind.
It's been a few days, though, and nobody has heard from her.